+91 9408776924 (Jyoti Chauhan) cds@iitgn.ac.in

How to recruit from IIT Gandhinagar?

(1) Submit the JAF and/or IAF digitally (for a step-by-step registration guide, please click here).


(2) Fill and share back the JAF (for full time hiring) and/or IAF (for summer internship hiring) manually at cds@iitgn.ac.in


(3) Please share the following details at cds@iitgn.ac.in

  • For Full-time hiring:
Job Designation
Job Description
Salary Details
Job Location
Is there a Service Bond/Contract (If yes, please specify duration and amount)
  • For Summer Internship hiring:
Internship Designation
Internship Description
Stipend Per Month
Internship Location